Palm Beach County Library's Classic Catalog Help Page
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and general guides for some of the features in the Classic Catalog. To get started, choose one of the topic buttons listed below on the left or scroll down.
Please note: If you cannot find an answer to your question here, or need help for any other reason, please ask a staff member at any of our branches or contact us using this form.
On January 21, 2020 we upgraded the platform used to run the Classic Catalog. This platform enabled us to deliver a mobile friendly version that will be compatible with mobile devices. We hope this will allow you to access our system from your home computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
As we move forward with the release of new technologies, there will be certain older systems that will no longer be compatible. Browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have the capability to automatically update to the most recent version without notification. We will make every effort to remain compatible with these browsers.
For browsing the Library Classic Catalog or accessing your account on iOS or Android devices, we recommend using the PBC Library app available on the Google Play Store and Apple Store.
A seamless experience from searching to placing holds to managing your account.
Natural language is used, so search terms may be entered as they are in Google or Amazon.
Titles that contain the words a, an, the, not, and it, can now easily be found.
Easy-to-use “faceted” searching. Users can narrow search results by a particular facet of information such as author, format, publication date, subjecy, language, availability or owning library.
“Fuzzy logic” provides relevant, powerful search results, even for unclear, incomplete or misspelled queries.
Results can be easily sorted by publication date, title or author.
View search results in different views, including lists and thumbnail views.
Multiple items may be selected and saved to a list, put on hold, emailed, or texted to a friend right from the results page.
Titles on the New York Times Best Sellers List and other booklists can be easily browsed and found in our Library system.
Create permanent reading lists to remember titles you've read or may want to read.
Bookmark the Catalog, favorite searches and specific items.
Subscribe via RSS to your favorite searches and get updates when new items are added.
Navigation links are located in the upper-right corner. Here you will find a Log In link and link for My Account to access your library account, My Lists, and the Classic Catalog help page.
Links to the Library home page, Library locations, and our Online Research Tools can be found below the search bar.
The Select an Action menu is found on the search results page, on an item's detail display, and in My Lists. The Select an Action Drop-Down Menu allows users to choose actions to take on materials they find in the catalog.
Menu options may vary based on which part of the Catalog or My Account you are currently accessing.
Select a title or several by placing a check mark in the box next to the title(s) you’d like to select an action for, then click the Select an Action bar and choose an action:
Place Hold(s) – This action will place holds on the selected materials if you are logged in. You will be prompted to login if not.
Add to My Lists – If you are not logged in, selected items will be added to a Temporary List. Items in a Temporary List will disappear after you close the browser window. If you are logged in, you can choose which of your lists to add the items to or have them automatically added to the default list you selected in Preferences.
Email – Allows you to email the selected materials to the email address you specify.
Print – This action will produce a printer friendly list of the selected materials for you to print.
Yes! Palm Beach County Library offers eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital magazines, streaming videos, free music and more! Check out all our offerings under Digital Media.
Check that your internet browser is compatible with the Classic Catalog. If you are using Internet Explorer, please be sure Compatibility View is turned off.
Mobile Devices
If you are using a mobile device, we recommend using the PBC Library app.
Workarounds for common iOS issues:
Log in box disappears when keyboard pops up.
Sometimes the Log in box is off to the side or under the keyboard. Try tapping Log In at the top of the screen again; the keyboard will continue to display. You may need to scroll around to find the box. You do not have to select the field, just enter login information and tap the Log In button.
I'm entering my login information not logging in.
Check settings for Safari to ensure Allow Cookies is enabled.
Yes button issues.
Nothing happens when members tap Yes to renew/cancel a hold/cancel a hold suspension. Members should close the popup window using the X in the upper right and tap the Renew / Cancel Hold / Cancel Hold Suspension(s) button again. The second time should complete once the member clicks Yes again.
Trouble logging in to My Account?
If you recently replaced your Library Card, be sure you enter your new card number if your browser is set to remember log in information.
Be sure when entering your Library Card number to enter the letter D or E, followed by all numbers and no spaces.
Forgot your PIN?
If you have forgotten your PIN and have an email address on file, you can reset your PIN by visiting the My Account link and clicking on Forgot My PIN.
After you enter your library card number, an email from will be sent to the email address on file. The link in the email will be valid for one hour.
If you do not receive an email or have questions regarding your account you may contact any branch of the Palm Beach County Library System. Visit Branch Locations and Hours for details.
Try clearing your cache and logging in again.
Unexpected Errors
Occasionally you may see an error message indicating an "Unexpected Error," try refreshing your browser to clear the error. If this does not clear the error, try closing your browser and then go back to the Classic Catalog.
Online Library Catalog Downtime
Due to scheduled routine maintenance, the Library Catalog may be unavailable nightly for a short period of time sometime between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. The total downtime should be less than 1 hour. We apologize for the inconvenience.
For browsing the Library Classic Catalog or accessing your account on iOS or Android devices, we recommend using the PBC Library app.
Workarounds for common iOS issues:
Log in box disappears when keyboard pops up.
Sometimes the Log in box is off to the side or under the keyboard. Try tapping Log In at the top of the screen again; the keyboard will continue to display. You may need to scroll around to find the box. You do not have to select the field, just enter login information and tap the Log In button.
I'm entering my login information not logging in.
Check settings for Safari to ensure Allow Cookies is enabled.
Yes button issues.
Nothing happens when members tap Yes to renew/cancel a hold/cancel a hold suspension. Members should close the popup window using the X in the upper right and tap the Renew / Cancel Hold / Cancel Hold Suspension(s) button again. The second time should complete once the member clicks Yes again.
The Palm Beach County Library System takes the security of your personal information very seriously. As a part of our efforts to make certain that your information remains safe, the library upgraded the Classic Catalog to https security on the morning of July 5th, 2017.
We replaced the traditional, less secure HTTP protocol with HTTPS. Using HTTPS allows us to encrypt the connection between your browser and the Classic Catalog, making it harder for someone to steal information you send to us such as your library card number and PIN. While no computer security is perfect, this change allows us to comply with industry standards and works towards ensuring that your library account information stays safe.
To continue to connect to the Classic Catalog, we recommend that you upgrade your browser to the latest version. This will not only ensure uninterrupted access to the Classic Catalog, but will keep your information safe when accessing other sites you visit on the Internet. An easy way to check to see if your browser is HTTPS compatible is to visit a site that is currently using HTTPS such as Facebook. If you visit a site that uses HTTPS you should see a green lock in your browser’s address bar as shown below:
The library has been using HTTPS for access to other resources such as Online Payment for several years now. This ensures that your credit card information is safe. Other library services such as OverDrive, Hoopla, and Freegal also use HTTPS security.
The vast majority of browsers and mobile devices are already compatible with HTTPS. A small number of older (2010 and earlier) devices may not be able to use HTTPS, and will be unable to connect to the Classic Catalog after the security upgrade. To help you determine if your system is compatible with HTTPS, you may review this Browser and Device Compatibility list.
To Log In click the Log In link in the upper-right corner of the catalog. A Log In pop-up box will appear.
Enter your Library Card Number, starting with the letter D or E, followed by all numbers and no spaces. Enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN). If you do not remember your PIN and you have an email address on your account, you can use the Forgot Your PIN link to reset your PIN.
If you do not have an email address on your account, or your email address has changed, call one of our branches or contact us here for assistance with your PIN.
Clicking My Account at the top of the page lets you view your checkouts, holds, and any fees you may have accrued. You can also view your personal information and set up your preferences. To access My Account you will need your Library Card Number and PIN. Library Card Numbers start with the letter D followed by all numbers and no spaces.
My Account lets you view your checkouts, holds, and any fees you may have. You can also view your personal information and set up your preferences.
Go to the My Account page by clicking My Account from the upper-right corner of the navigation header. If you are not already logged in, the system will prompt you to log in before you can access the My Account page.
On your first login to our Classic Catalog you will see your Personal Information tab first. A status summary will also display to the right, letting you know at a quick glance the overall status of your account. Exclamation point icons on other tabs will also indicate there is something you need to review on that tab.
Personal Information Tab
Your Personal Information tab will display the account holder's name, library card number, date of birth, notification language preference, date your library card expires, your account standing, and the contact information the Library has for you.
You can update your email address, phone number and choose to switch to email notification or text message notification in My Account under Edit Your Notifications any time day or night. To update your address or any other account information, please contact any of our branches.
To change your PIN, enter your current PIN in the Current PIN field. Then enter your new PIN in the New PIN field and enter the new PIN again in the Confirm New PIN field. Then click Update to save your changes.
Starting May 9th, 2023, enhanced security features for your PIN including case-sensitivity, alphanumeric characters, and increased PIN length will be available.
On the Personal Information tab, click Preferences below to update your personal account preferences. Remember to click the Update button to save any changes.
Default My Account Tab – This option lets you select which tab (Personal Information, Checkouts and Renewals, Holds, or Fees) opens when you access the My Account page.
Default Checkouts View – This option lets you select which type of checkouts (Library Checkouts and Renewals or Digital Checkouts) opens when you access the Checkouts And Renewals tab. Library Checkouts and Renewals are physical materials you have borrowed from the library. Digital Checkouts include materials borrowed from cloudLibrary and hoopla.
Default Holds View – This option lets you select which type of checkouts (Library Holds or Digital Holds) opens when you access the Holds tab. Library Holds are physical materials you have placed on hold from the library. Digital Holds include materials placed on hold through cloudLibrary.
Preferred List – This option lets you select a default My List. When you add a title to your lists, the program adds it to the default list. If you select "no default list", the program prompts you to select a list. You can create a list to use as your preferred list in the My Lists page (see Adding/Deleting lists).
Preferred Pickup Library – This option lets you select which library you want to use as your pickup library. You will also be able to change the pickup library every time you place a hold.
This tab displays your current digital and physical checkouts.
Use the sort icon () to sort items. Click once to sort ascending. Click again to sort descending.
The Digital Checkouts section will display any items borrowed from cloudLibrary or hoopla.
From this section, you can return digital content or download it to your device. To return item(s) select the items you want (or select them all by using the Select All check box) and then click the Return Item button.
To download an item to your device, click on the Download link. The corresponding app or web page will open to access the material.
The Library Checkouts and Renewals section will display any physical items borrowed from the library.
If you have any items overdue, they will appear at the top of the list with a red exclamation point icon. This alert icon will also appear on the top of the tab.
If you want to renew items, select the items you want to renew (or select them all by using the Select All check box and then click the Renew button.
When renewing, watch for warning messages that indicate a renewal has failed. Items with outstanding holds are not renewable nor are those that have exceeded the renewal limit.
Automatic Renewals
Items will automatically renew up to three times, three days before the due date, if there are no holds. Members who receive text and email notices will be notified when the item is renewed.
This tab displays all of your current digital and physical holds.
Use the sort icon () to sort items. Click once to sort ascending. Click again to sort descending.
The Digital Holds section will display any items requested from cloudLibrary.
From this section, you can manage digital holds. To cancel a hold(s), select the holds you want to cancel (or select them all by using the Select All check box) and then click the Cancel Hold(s) button.
The Library Holds section will display any physical items requested from the library.
Holds that are available for pickup will appear at the top of the list with a green exclamation point icon.
From this section, you can also cancel a hold, edit a hold's pickup location (library branch), or suspend a hold. To perform one of these actions, select the items you want (or select them all by using the Select All check box) and then click one of these buttons:
Cancel Hold(s) - After you click this button, a window will open to confirm the cancellation. Click Yes to cancel the hold or No to go back.
Edit Pickup Location(s) - After you click this button, a window will open where you can select the new pickup location. Click Change to change the location or Cancel to go back.
Edit/Suspend Hold(s) - When you click this button, a window will open with a calendar you can use to select the start date of the suspension and the end date of the suspension. Click Suspend to suspend the hold or Cancel to go back.
Cancel Hold Suspension(s) - When you click this button, a window will open to confirm the cancellation. Click Yes to cancel the hold suspension or No to go back.
You can manage hold suspensions in your My Account page on the Holds tab. Simply select the holds you would like to suspend using the checkboxes to the left of the titles, or choose the Select All checkbox to choose all of your holds. Then click the Suspend Hold(s) button.
A calendar gadget will appear allowing you to choose the start and end dates for your suspension. Once you have entered both dates, click the Suspend button.
Note: Remember to enter a start date and an end date. Holds should not be suspended for more than six (6) months.
For items you would like to remember or reserve in the future, use the Select an Action drop down menu to Add it to My Lists. (For more information about lists see the My Lists section of this help file.)
A green confirmation message will appear above all of the titles: “Hold(s) successfully suspended.” A Suspend Holds icon will now appear on the left of each title that has been suspended. Mouse over the icon and wait a few seconds to view the suspension dates.
The Fees tab will display Accruing Fee and Current Fees/Blocks. If you have any new or unpaid fees, the bills will appear on this tab.
Current Fees/Blocks
The Current Fees/Blocks section displays unpaid fees. Current fees can be paid online through Online Payment, by clicking the icon below your fee total on the account summary. Fees may also be paid by mail or in person at your library.
Use the sort icon () to sort items. Click once to sort ascending. Click again to sort descending.
Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) allows you to access your account online so that you can check your due dates, renew items and place holds. You receive a PIN when you apply for a library card.
If you have lost or forgotten your PIN, you can retrieve it using the Forgot Your PIN link. We will email your PIN to the email address on record for your card. If you do not have an email address on your account, or your email address has changed, call one of our branches.
You can also change your PIN using the Change PIN section of My Account.
Starting May 9th, 2023, enhanced security features including case-sensitivity, alphanumeric characters, and increased PIN length are available.
PIN Requirements
Your PIN is now case-sensitive.
Minimum PIN length 4 characters.
Maximum PIN length 16 characters.
Allowed characters: upper-case, lower-case, numbers, and some special characters (!,@#$%&*+()_-?).
Remembering usernames and passwords is a feature of your browser software and not the Library's web site or Catalog. Depending on which browser you use will depend upon how you need to enable, reset or modify this feature. You will need to enter your login information once on the site and ask your browser to remember your login information once. After the first time, the information should be saved for future visits to the Library website.
Instructions for enabling, resetting or modifying this feature in some common browsers are below. Click on a browser to view the instructions.
Check or uncheck the checkboxes next to "Offer to save passwords I enter on the web.
Delete saved passwords
Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
Select Settings.
Click Show advanced settings.
Scroll down to the "Privacy" section.
Click the Clear Browsing Data button.
Use the dropdown menu to select a specific time period.
Check the checkbox next to "Clear saved passwords" and any other options you would like to clear.
Click the Clear Browsing Data button.
Click Manage saved passwords in the "Passwords and forms" section to see a list of all the usernames and passwords that have been saved.
Windows, Linux, and Chrome devices users: In the Passwords dialog that appears, use your mouse to hover over the site whose password you'd like to remove and click the X that appears on the right.
Mac users: You can remove your passwords in the Keychain Access dialog that appears.
Edit saved passwords
Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
Select Settings.
Click Show advanced settings.
Click Manage saved passwords.
In the Passwords dialog that appears, scroll down to the "Never saved" section at the bottom.
To remove a site from this list, select it and click the X that appears the end of the row.
Now revisit the website and you should see the prompt to save your password information again, if the prompt was enabled.
Click the Firefox button at the top of the Firefox window.
Select Options.
Select Options again.
Select the Security panel
Check or uncheck the checkbox next to "Remember passwords for sites."
Click OK.
You can also choose whether you want to save passwords from the Remember Password prompt. When the prompt appears click the Remember button.
Delete saved passwords
Click the Firefox button at the top of the Firefox window.
Select Options.
Select Options again.
Select the Security panel
Under the Passwords section, click the Saved Passwords button.
Click each password you would like to remove and click the Remove button. To remove all stored usernames and passwords, click Remove All. After confirming this choice, all of your stored usernames and passwords will be deleted.
Edit saved passwords
Type the correct username and password in to a website.
You can update your email address, phone number and choose to switch to email notification or text message notification in My Account under Edit Your Notifications any time day or night. To update your address or any other account information, please contact any of our branches.
Items will automatically renew up to three times, three days before the due date, if there are no holds. Members who receive text and email notices will be notified when the item is renewed.
To renew materials manually, select the box next to each item you would like to renew, or click the Select All box to renew all materials. Then click the Renew button.
A confirmation box will appear, click Yes to renew or click No to cancel.
A successful renewal will increment the Times Renewed counter and the Date Due will change to reflect the new due date.
When renewing, watch for warning messages that indicate a renewal has failed. Items with outstanding holds are not renewable nor are those that have exceeded the renewal limit.
Interlibrary loan requests are managed separately from requests for items owned by the library. If you would like to inquire about the status of your interlibrary loan request, please contact your branch or Interlibrary Loan Services at
Most library cards expire every three years, though non-resident cards may expire every six months to a year. You will need to visit the library at any of our branches with proof of your current address and photo ID to renew your card. If you are a paid non resident you will also have to pay your membership fee at that time.
You can view your library card's expiration date on the Personal Information tab of My Acount. Look for the lime green highlighted Date privileges expire to view your card's expiration date.
If you see this message, it means that your library card has expired. Most library cards expire every five years, though non-resident cards may expire sooner. To renew your card, visit the library at any of our branches with proof of your current address and valid photo ID. If you are a paid non-resident you will also have to pay your membership fee at that time.
A hold is a request for an item to be put aside for you. Sometimes the materials you are looking for are checked out, not yet published, or may only be available at another location. If you would like to check out the item, simply place a hold and once the item you have requested is available, we will notify you by your chosen contact method to come in and pick up your item.
If the item you want is checked out, you may place a hold to have it set aside for you when it is returned. Once the item is available to be picked up the Library will notify you via your chosen notification method.
Most Library items are available for holds. You will be prompted to login in order to place holds. Find the item you would like to reserve and click Place Hold.
Note: You can also place a hold on an item by using the Select an Action drop-down button.
Select your pick up library on the next screen. Your Preferred Pickup Library can be set in your Preferences. The system will tell you if the hold was successfully placed or not. Please note that holds placed today may not be available immediately. You will be notified when your item is available for pickup.
When materials become available for you to pick up, the Library will notify you via your chosen notification method.
Available items will also display on the Holds tab of My Account.
A green exclamation point icon will appear on the far left of each item that is now available and the Status column will display Ready for Pickup.
Any other status, such as Pending, means that your item is not yet ready for you to pick up. Copies may still be at the owning library, a copy may be In Transit between libraries, or all of the copies may be currently unavailable to fill requests.
To ensure items are ready and waiting when you arrive, you are notified the day after items are received. If you check your online account frequently, you may see items ready and waiting before you receive any notices.
Yes, you can change the pickup location for any holds that are not yet available.
On the Holds tab of My Account, select the holds you want to change the pickup location for using the check boxes to the left or by using the Select All box and then click the Edit Pickup Location(s) button.
Use the drop down menu to choose the new location you would like to pick the item up at and click the Change button to save the new location.
A message will display on the right of each title indicating Success.
Yes! Log in to My Account click on the Personal Information tab. Click on the Preferences section. Under Preferred Pickup Library, use the drop down menu to select the location you prefer to pick up your holds at. Then click the Update button. Any holds you place will now default to be picked up at that location. You can still manually change the pickup location when you place holds if you want to pick up a specific item at a different location.
Yes! Check the Place in queue column on the Holds tab to see where you are in the holds queue.
The holds queue is an estimate of when materials may be available, not a guarantee. The queue system is automated and takes into account the number of branches, the number of copies of the title, the current location of each copy, the desired pick up library, and the due dates for each copy. People cancel holds daily, return items both late and early, suspend holds, and unsuspend them. While this dynamic environment can result in significant changes within a short period of time, particularly at the top of the queue, members will receive their items in the order in which their holds were placed. We offer you your choice of notification methods (Email, Text Messages, or Phone Calls) to ensure that you are notified as soon as your items are ready for you to pick up.
You can manage hold suspensions in your My Account page on the Holds tab. Simply select the holds you would like to suspend using the checkboxes to the left of the titles, or choose the Select All checkbox to choose all of your holds. Then click the Suspend Hold(s) button.
A calendar window (shown to the right) will appear allowing you to choose the start and end dates for your suspension. Once you have entered both dates, click the Suspend button.
Note: Remember to enter a start date and an end date. Holds should not be suspended for more than six (6) months and holds will automatically expire one year from the date placed.
For items you would like to remember or reserve in the future, use the Select an Action drop down menu to Add it to My Lists. (For more information about lists see the My Lists section of this help file.)
A green confirmation message will appear above all of the titles: “Hold(s) successfully suspended.” A Suspend Holds icon will now appear on the left of each title that has been suspended. Mouse over the icon and wait a few seconds to view the suspension dates.
Yes. On the Holds tab of My Account, select the holds you would like to suspend and click the Suspend Hold(s) button. Then use the calendar to select the days you will be away on vacation and click the Suspend button. The Library recommends starting your suspension a few days before you leave on vacation to ensure the holds do not come in right before you leave.
You will not lose your place in the queue by suspending a hold.
Yes! When you find items on your results page that you want to keep and organize, you can save them in My Lists. After logging in, you can create and customize your lists, and they can be printed or emailed. You can also place holds on items from My Lists. The list you create can be permanent (must be logged in) or temporary (will be deleted when you end your session). Items can be dragged and dropped between lists.
To add an item to your list, use the Action drop-down menu.
For more information on using My Lists check out the help here.
Searching the Catalog is simple! Just enter what you are looking for in the search field and click the Search button. Items with the closest match will be at the top of the list. From there you can limit your search by using the facets.
Simply enter what you are looking for in the search field and click the Search button. Items with the closest match will be at the top of the list. From there you can limit your search by using the facets.
You can use the Limits drop-down menu (1) to limit your search to a specific material type, library location, or Online Research tool; or search "Everything" we have to offer. You can also use the Fields drop down (2) to select to search a specific field such as Title, Author, or Subject or search "All Fields".
Click on Advanced Search (3) for more search options.
You can use the Advanced Search to look for exact phrases (4), or exclude specific terms from your search (5).
You can also apply any combination of limits on your search with Additional limits (6), including specifying fields, language, library, and targets.
While there are many options to limit your search, there is the likelihood that selecting too many limits will not return any search results.
You can place your search terms in quotation marks to indicate that your terms should be searched exactly as they are typed. This can be useful when searching for short stories and songs or when your search terms include common words like “the.”
There are two different view options for your search results: List View and Thumbnail View. Click either of these icons to change the view.
List View – This is the default view for search results and will produce a list of titles in a vertical column. Cover art will display to the left and information about the title such as Author, Title, Call Number, and Publication Date will display to the right.
Thumbnail View – This view option for search results will display a larger thumbnail view with the Author and Title information displayed below.
After you have received the results of a search, use the Sort By dropdown menu on the upper right hand side of the search results to sort your results by publication date, title or author. Sorting is limited to the first 300 results.
Click on the title in the results of an item you would like to see more information on to bring up the Detailed Display.
The Detailed Display will show more detailed information regarding author, actors, series, availability, summaries, and more. All of the information regarding the availability of items at your favorite branch can be found under the Available tab. Click on any of the other tabs to look at other content regarding the title such as Summaries, Reviews, and more. Different titles will have different information available.
These are the search limiters you find on many web sites that allow you to narrow your search results using predefined search conditions. Facets are found on the left hand column of your search results in the Classic Catalog.
Some of the facets available in the Classic Catalog include Author, Subject, Format, Publication Date, and Language.
You can limit your initial search using the Limits drop down menu. Simply change the Everything label to your preferred search. You can choose to search a specific library, specific item types and more.
Some items may be excluded from your search if they are not owned by the library you choose to search, if they are on order, or not available in the material type you choose.
You can limit your initial search by using the Fields drop down menu. Simply change the All Fields drop down menu to search only the field you're interested in. You can choose to search by Title, Author, Series and more.
After you have performed a search you can use facets to limit your search results. Facets are organized by fields (like Author, Format, Language, Subject, etc.) and can be used to refine your search. Facet options will display on the left hand side of the page.
Adding Facets
Click on a facet to narrow the search results to meet that limit. For example, clicking on “Acreage Branch,” will limit the search results to only items at the Acreage branch.
Select a facet or multiple facets to include/exclude from your search results. Use the check boxes next to the facets and then click the Include or Exclude button.
As an example, if you select to include Books and DVDs, your search results will only include books or DVDs.
If you select to exclude Books and DVDs, your search results will include everything but books and DVDs.
Use the More, Fewer, and View All options to expose or hide facets.
Clicking View All on a facet will bring up a new menu.
Facets can now be sorted alphabetically by clicking the A-Z button or by the number of matching results by clicking the Number of Results button.
Use the check boxes next to the facets to select the options you would like to include or exclude and then click the Include or Exclude button. To select all of the options click the checkbox to the left of Author.
Removing Facets
Any facets you have applied will appear in the "Narrowed by" section.
Facets you have included in search results will have a plus (+) sign; facets you have excluded will have a minus (–) sign.
Click the Remove button () to remove an individual limit, or remove all limits by clicking the Clear all button.
Advanced Search offers more options than the default search bar and can be found to the right of the Search button.
You can use the Advanced Search to look for exact phrases (1), or exclude specific terms from your search (2).
You can also apply any combination of limits on your search with Additional limits (3), including specifying fields, language, library, and targets.
While there are many options to limit your search, there is the likelihood that selecting too many limits will not return any search results.
You can place your search terms in quotation marks to indicate that your terms should be searched exactly as they are typed. This can be useful when searching for short stories and songs or when your search terms include common words like “the.”
To find a song, such as one containing the word 'bumblebee,' enter the title (or as much as you know) in the All these words field (1) under Find items that have.
If you are looking for the song on CD instead of sheet music, you can use the Limits option (2) to only search Music CDs.
Add any other options or limits you would like and click the Advanced Search button to retrieve your results.
In this example, the search 'bumblebee' was a partial title, the full title we were searching for is "The flight of the bumblebee" but even partial searches may retrieve the information desired.
Using the Advanced Search allows you to exclude things from your search too. To search for Books on CD by Stephen King but exclude any titles from the Dark Tower series:
Enter "Dark Tower" with the quotes in the These unwanted terms field (1) under Find items that have. Not including the quotes around any term with more than one word will exclude all items that have the words 'dark' or 'tower,' thus exluding more items than desired.
Under Additional limits, enter the author's name (Stephen King) in the Author field (2) and leave the radio button set to Find.
Under the Limits option (3) select the checkbox next to only Books On CD.
Add any other options or limits you would like and click the Advanced Search button to retrieve your results.
Language can be tricky to search for in the Classic Catalog as we have many language learning materials, some titles that have been translated from their original language and many DVDs that include several languages as options in subtitles and dubbed audio. You may need to try multiple search methods to find what you are looking for.
For materials in Spanish or Haitian-Creole, simply use the Shelf Location facet of Spanish Language Collection or Haitian-Creole Language Collection to narrow your search. Most of our books in other languages can be fould in the Shelf Location of the Foreign Language Collection.
You can use the Language facet to select a particular language. In the example below we have searched for DVDs and are using the Language facet to select Italian. This will limit the results to 188 items.
These results will include foreign films in Italian, but also Italian operas, Italian language learning DVDs, and anything with subtitles available in Italian. You can use the other facet options to continue to narrow the results, such as including the SubjectFeature films or excluding anything in the Shelf Location of Children’s Audiovisual Collection.
You can also start your search with a language option using the Advanced Search.
Another option is to search for titles in a specific language. In the example below we have searched for DVDs and the search term "in japanese" in double quotes. This will limit the results to 82 items. Again these results may include language learning, children's films, feature films and more; you can use the other facet options to continue to narrow the results.
Yet another option is to start with a Call Number search and use the shelf location to narrow down your results. In the example below, we have done a Call Number search for RUS (Russian) and limited results to the Foreign Language Collection shelf location to view the books we have in our collection in Russian.
TIP: Most of our foreign films start with a call number of FOREIGN.
Yes! For browsing the Library Classic Catalog or accessing your account on iOS or Android devices, we recommend using the PBC Library app available in the Apple store and Google Play.
Sometimes the app will require the 'D' or ‘E’ at the beginning of your library card number to be entered lowercase. Another common issue is typing in the letter "O," "I," or "L" instead of the number zero or the number one as the second character.
The app uses your location for the “Nearest Libraries” feature. If you disable the use of location services, it will only list the branches in alphabetical order. Other features in the future may also use require the use of location services.
If the barcode scanner doesn’t identify the item, try searching by the title. The barcode scanner only searches for the specific item that you scanned and won’t find other items with the same title or author. The barcode scanner also only functions on Books, Films, Music CDs and Audiobooks.
Yes! On the holds page, you can use the ‘All holds’ button and then click ‘Suspend Hold’ to suspend all holds at once. You can also resume your holds, cancel your holds, and change the pickup location the same way.
Currently the app sorts checkouts by the nearest return date. Holds are sorted alphabetically by name. There is not a way to change the sorting order at this time. We expect to see this in a future version of the app.
Not at this time. However, apps are available for both Hoopla and CloudLibrary to read ebooks on your device. Once the apps are installed, clicking the link from the Palm Beach County Library app will take you directly to either Hoopla or cloudLibrary's app so you can borrow the material and begin reading!
If you are unable to see linked account information, first check to make sure you have the latest version of the app. Next, we recommend removing the linked account(s) and adding them again. This usually will resolve any lingering issues.
Not at this time. To access My Lists, you will need to use a web browser. This is another feature we hope will be added in the future. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Do you use the Chrome or Firefox web browser? Are you looking for new ways to save money? Do you like to save time by searching mutiple sources with only one search?
Try installing Library Extension!
Library Extension is a free browser add-on available for the Chrome or Firefox web browsers. Once installed, Library Extension automatically searches the Palm Beach County Library System’s Classic Catalog (and/or other libraries you may use) when you shop or browse on websites like Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers. Library Extension will then display any physical copies, OverDrive eBooks or eAudiobooks owned by the library and provide links to borrow or place holds on those materials.
How do I get it?
Go to in your Chrome or Firefox web browser and then click the Install on Chrome
button or Install on Firefox button.
Search for "Library Extension" in the Chrome or Firefox web stores.
Click the Add to Chrome or Add to Firefox button.
You will be asked to give the extension permission to read and change data on websites you visit. This allows the extension to see what you’re searching for, search for it in the library’s Classic Catalog, and allows it to display whether or not we own it on the same page. Library Extension does not track your browsing history or store any information entered.
Click the Add extension button.
You will see a confirmation the extension has been installed and a new icon may appear on or in your Chrome or Firefox browser address bar. Click this icon to set up the extension.
Select your country and state and then use the drop down menu to select the libraries you would like to add.
Click the to add the library.
Add or remove check marks to adjust your settings to search books, eBooks, or both:
Add any other libraries you may wish to search and then click Close.
Set up is now complete!
Using Library Extension
Go search for titles you’re interested in on Amazon and you will now see a box on the right hand side of the screen. Inside the box, Library Extension will show if we own any copies in print or eBook formats. Options to borrow or place holds will appear within the box depending on availability. The box may appear in other locations on different web sites.
Please note since this does not search all of the Palm Beach County library system’s digital content, some titles may appear unavailable as eBooks or eAudiobooks. Always check the library’s Classic Catalog for full availability.
Not in our catalog? Try suggesting we purchase the title here.
Library Extension is a third-party application and the Palm Beach County Library System does not own the software and is not responsible for any changes made to your computer or browser by installing the software. Questions about the software not covered here are best asked of the developers at
The My Lists feature allows you to create lists of items in our Library catalog. You can create a list of items you want to read, a list items you have already borrowed, a bibliography of items you referenced for your school paper, or any other list of items you might wish to keep and organize. Create as many lists as you wish!
For best results, we recommend individual lists be kepts to 299 items or less.
When logged in, you can create new lists and/or customize your existing lists. Once created, lists can be printed or emailed. You can also place holds on items directly from the lists you create.
To create a permanent list, log in to your library account and click on the My Lists link in the upper right hand corner of the library’s Classic Catalog.
Click on the notebook icon with the plus sign to create a new list. You will be prompted to give your list a name. Once your list is created you will be able to add items you find in the Classic Catalog to your list. You can create one list or as many lists as you would like.
When browsing or searching the catalog, you can add titles to your list using the Select an Action dropdown menu. If you are looking at the detailed display of a single title, the Select an Action drop down menu will be on the upper right hand corner:
If you are looking at search results and wish to add one or more items from the results, place a check mark in the selection box to the left of the title(s) you would like to add to your list and then use the Select an Action menu located in the top or bottom left of the search results.
From either screen, left click on the Select an Action dropdown to expand the menu and use your mouse to select the Add to My Lists option. The Classic Catalog will then ask you to select the list you would like to add your selected item(s) to. Choose the appropriate list and click the Add button.
You will receive a confirmation message indicating the item has been added to the selected list.
When you find items in your search results page you want to keep and organize, you can save them in My Lists. A
Adding items to My Lists
You can add items to your My Lists by using the Select An Action drop-down from either a search results page or an item's detail display. Select a list and click Add.
If you are logged in to the system, you will be prompted to select which of your lists you want to save items to.
If you are not already logged in to the system, any items you add to My Lists will be sent to a "Temporary List." Temporary lists will only last until you close your browser. To keep a Temporary List you will need to log in and save the list or move the item(s) to a permanent list.
Using your Temporary List
Temporary Lists are a list of items you have not saved and will be lost once the browser is closed or your session expires. If you are logged in to the system, you can move items on a Temporary List into other lists, or you can save the entire temporary list.
To save your Temporary List, select Save Temporary List from the Select An Action menu.
A window will open and ask you to name the new list. Enter the name and click Save to save the list or Cancel to go back.
Note: If you log out without saving the list, the Temporary List will be cleared.
If you are not logged in, the list of titles will be cleared after your session has expired (about 10 minutes with no activity in the browser). You can log in after you have placed items in your Temporary List to move them to one of your permanent lists.
Viewing and arranging My Lists
Your Temporary List and your saved lists are listed in the left-side window under the "Lists" heading.
To view a list, click on it. It will open in the main window.
To rearrange your saved lists, do one of the following:
Use the () icon to drag and drop your lists in the order you want them to appear.
Use the Arrange By drop down to arrange your lists alphabetically (ascending or descending), or by the time they were created (most recent first or oldest first).
Adding/Deleting lists
To create a new list, click the Add List button. A window will open and prompt you to name your new list. Enter the name and click Create to create the new list or Cancel to go back.
To delete lists, select the lists you want to remove and then click the Delete Lists button.
Viewing and arranging items in a list
You can click on the title or image of any item to view its detail page.
To arrange items in a list, do one of the following:
Use the () icon to drag and drop your lists in the order you want them to appear.
Use the Arrange By drop down to arrange the items in your list alphabetically (ascending or descending), or by the time they were added to the list (most recent first or oldest first).
Selecting an Action
You can also arrange, copy, move and delete items from your lists using the Select an Action dropdown menu. First, select the items you want to do an action on, or use the Select All check box to select all items on the page. Then choose the action you want to take from the Select An Action menu.
To access your lists, use the My Lists link in the upper right hand navigation.
Yes, the Library offers many options for notification: email, phone, and text messages. Check out each notification type to see what kinds of notices are offered. All notices or automated calls from the Library are courtesy reminders only. You may want to check your account regularly in addition to receiving Library notices.
Please note that as of January 1, 2020, all printed notifications ceased. To switch to receive notifications by email or text messages go to My Account on the Personal Information tab under Edit Your Notifications.
To switch to email or text notification, go to My Account on the Personal Information tab under Edit Your Notifications. To switch to another notification method, please call or visit your local branch of the Palm Beach County Library System.
To update your email address, phone number or PIN, go to My Account on the Personal Information tab under Edit Your Notifications or Change My PIN any time, day or night. To update other information, please call or visit your local branch of the Palm Beach County Library System.
Email notification is the fastest and most informative way to be notified, reduces printed material, and saves resources. We'll remind you a few days before your items are due and let you know when it is time to renew your Library card!
Email notices from the Palm Beach County Library System are sent from Please add this email address to your address book's safe senders list to ensure that you will receive your notices. If you use filters or rules in your Inbox, be sure to check any junk or bulk mail folders for missed email notices.
Under Florida law email addresses stored in your Library account cannot be shared, distributed or sold to third parties, so your information is safe with us.
Check your account to make sure the email address we have on file is correct. If you know your PIN, you can update your email address by going to My Account on the Personal Information tab under Edit Your Notifications. If you do not know your PIN, please call or visit your local branch of the Palm Beach County Library System to update your email address.
Email notices from the Palm Beach County Library System may be sent from Please add this email address to your address book's safe senders list to ensure that you will receive your notices.
If you use filters or rules in your Inbox, be sure to check any junk or bulk mail folders for missed email notices. Check your Email settings in your program to determine whether you have filtered out some mail.
notices when holds you have requested are available for pickup,
reminder notices when your card is up for renewal,
notices when items are automatically renewed for you,
notices for overdue materials, and
notices for bills and lost or damaged materials.
The text messages you receive are designed to alert you of activity on your account, for more information, log into your account online or contact your local branch of the Palm Beach County Library System. View branch locations and hours.
The Library does not charge for the service, however standard text messaging rates may apply. Depending on your cellular phone plan, additional per-message and/or other charges may be assessed by your carrier. By switching to Text Message Notices, you agree to accept responsibility for any charges you may incur.
Simply go to My Account on the Personal Information tab under Edit Your Notifications and select text message notifications and enter the number where you would like to receive notices.
You can stop receiving Text Messages and switch to email or phone notification, go to My Account on the Personal Information tab under Edit Your Notifications. For other notification method choices call or visit your local branch of the Palm Beach County Library System. View branch locations and hours.
If you are not receiving notices, please go to My Account on the Personal Information tab under Edit Your Notifications to confirm we have the correct contact information for you. Some cell phone providers provide the ability to filter text messages. You may need to allow incoming messages from unknown addresses.
notices when holds you have requested are available for pickup,
reminder notices before your items are due, and
notices for overdue materials.
Please note that as of January 1, 2020, all printed notifications ceased.
For more timely and informative notifications, consider switching to email or text message notifications! To switch go to My Account on the Personal Information tab under Edit Your Notifications
If you are using software or apps to block robocalls on your phone, you may also be blocking notices from the Library. Phone notices from the Library are made by an automated system and will appear to come from the Main Library at 561-233-2600.
Please note that as of January 1, 2020, all printed notifications ceased. Please update your contact information using My Account on the Personal Information tab under Edit Your Notifications to receive notifications by email, phone, or text messages.